It's difficult to know what to put here to set the tone for what this blog is about. Well, we know it's about me. But more than that it's about life in this crazy society and how one who is unconventional and searching for truth can find wisdom and understanding no matter where they are. Perhaps at times this blog will prattle on about the mundane frustrations we encounter and get so wrapped up in. Other times I may reflect so esoterically even I will not be able to follow what I wrote upon revisiting. But more often I wish to distill some of the core nuggets of truth that I've gleaned from this confusing world.
For instance, 2 different stories, with the same message: we feel rushed to accomplish something with our life, to not waste time and always be productive. So much so, that we feel guilty for times of inactivity. Or the reverse of this; we feel so rejected and abandoned by society that we give in, give up and settle for life as it happens to us. We may not even realize we have given in to this message of my life is useless and wasted. What we're missing is the fact that our very existence in this body is meant to be an instruction. The ultimate of teachers--life experience is everywhere around us waiting for us to take notice. What is wasted, in either scenario, is the moment and all its valuable lessons. We are struggling to achieve some ideal or to relieve some suffering when we only need to embrace that moment for all it is, rather than beating ourselves against a reality we don't want to be in. If we can be happy right where we are in that moment, our lives will transform into that which makes us happy. If we simply rush to some holy grail or wallow in how miserable our life is, then our life is lost.
Sounds simple enough. Try it for a day, just being happy and taking in the lessons this moment has to offer. Embracing pain and confusion and not knowing. Savoring a moment of doing nothing for no reason. It's not easy. The mind's voices are loud. I've been simmering in this simple philosophy for over 3 years, still it only comes in brief snatches of time, only to be overridden by this world's demands.
Another complement to this philosophy, since I mentioned it's been over 3 years, is ridiculous persistence. Don't ever give up no matter how often you fail. Its truly a numbers game. Those who make it are those who fell and got up countless times. Those who laughed at the bruises and went on anyway. Those who smiled through the tears and welcomed the suffering as a wizened teacher. Those who knew there was more than this and refused to let go of their hopes and dreams of something bigger than themselves, this small sense of self we hold so close.
Somehow, we know we have to find our truth or go mad denying it. It's okay to be in the midst of uncertainty if we know we are on a path to truth and unattached to the answers.
Be well,